Uber bringing new technology - Property Find

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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Uber bringing new technology

Uber is the paid online cab service in many countries and running it very well. Also offers a mobile app to give the customer more fast and convenient service. Now uber took next step to make uber more advanced. The first Uber car that doesn’t require a driver has hit the roads.

On Thursday, The ride-hailing behemoth declared in a blog post. That it has begun examining a self-driving car in Pittsburgh (US), base of the company’s nascent Advanced Technologies Centre.

The Uber driverless car is a Ford Fusion Hybrid with a roof-full of radar, lasers and cameras; it will be collecting road-mapping data as well as testing its real-world traffic results. A year ago, Uber’s investment in autonomous car technology has started, when the US60 billion Dollars start-up began choosing Carnegie Mellon University robotics masters to staff its new centre.
Picture Courtesy: gigaom.com

As with all self-driving cars that are certified for testing on public roads, Uber’s vehicle will have a safety driver too, who can take over the controls should the circumstances demand it.

It seems amazing when you’re driving around Pittsburgh in the coming weeks, possibly you might see an unusual sight: a car which is driverless and its looks like it should be driven by a superhero. But this is no movie scene. Technology getting its further in many fields and Uber’s this unique invention is the quite proof.  Uber is still in the beginning days of self-driving efforts every day. All testing directs to improvements, which is necessary to run the Uber driverless on rods for customers. currently, they are focusing on getting the technology right and making it’s safe for riders and the other on the road like pedestrians, cyclists, and other drivers

Picture Courtesy: everything-pr.com

The published post also notes that Uber’s self-driving purpose echoes that of Google, which is to decrease the number of traffic casualties that are largely caused by the human mistake. Last year, approximately 33,000 people died in the US in car collisions and around 4.4 million people were injured, an 8% rise in the charts for casualties in 2014, according to the National Safety Council.

But self-driving tech has an economic interest for Uber as well. CEO Travis Kalanick has made mention of a number of events to the fact that the driver is the most costly part of its financial model, not to mention being the cause of an ongoing dispute over whether such drivers should be workers or contractors. Uber lately agreed to pay US100 million Dollars to resolve a lawsuit over driver status.

Picture Courtesy: www.pbs.org

after launching driverless cab, When there’s no other human driver in the car, the cost of taking an Uber anywhere becomes affordable than having a vehicle. So the fact is you bring the cost below the value of ownership for everybody, and in the result, car ownership goes away.

Google has also launched the self-driving cars. Google has been experimenting self-driving car technology for the past 7 years, by using primarily Lexus SUV’s strapped with technology. Google currently is road trial in many US cities. The search company plans to quicken its testing through a recent alliance with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, which will produce 100 Pacifica minivans that can support Google’s technology.