Google to launch awards for best Android apps: “Google Play Awards” - Property Find - A leading blog site in UAE for the latest news, information and event updates. We are also one of the best property search portal in Dubai, UAE.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Google to launch awards for best Android apps: “Google Play Awards”

In the past, Apple has doled out annual awards for third-party app developers that have created the best games and apps over the past 12 months. Now, Google is going to launch a platform on May 19th 2016 at 7 PM to take on app awards of its own named “Google Play Awards”.

While Apple’s awards are announced at end of year just ahead of the holidays, to present a group that made waves during the past year, Google’s award winners will be announced in May at the company’s I/O conference.

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An “expert’s Panel” will choose the nominated apps form Google, and will be rated on a number of factors, that includes app innovation and quality. Additionally, the apps will either need to be launched or had a major update over the past 12 months, in order to qualify.

As per Google’s announcement, the program will be featuring five nominees across 10 categories, and on Google Play have showcased in a special collection.

The first group of nominees for these awards has also been announced by the company.

What’s interesting about Apple’s versus Google’s list is that, instead of focusing on best games and apps per platform (e.g. tablet, mobile, watch, etc.) Google is featuring apps across a wider range of categories.

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For example, Google’s list is highlighting those developers who had taken best advantage of Google’s own services, as well as those whose apps have implemented Google’s newer design language at the best job.

In addition “Google Play Awards”, will an idol platform to be used as a home to startups and innovative technology by Google. A number of companies are continuing to launch on iOS first so, to some extent, categories apart from (“Best Game” and “Best App”) are like “Standout Startup Category”, “Most Innovative”, “Standout Indie”, “Best Use of Material Design”, “Best Family App”, “Go Global”, “Best Use of Google Play Game Services” and “Early Adopter”.

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For example, Google’s list is highlighting those developers who had taken best advantage of Google’s own services, as well as those whose apps have implemented Google’s newer design language at the best job.

In addition “Google Play Awards”, will an idol platform to be used as a home to startups and innovative technology by Google. A number of companies are continuing to launch on iOS first so, to some extent, categories apart from (“Best Game” and “Best App”) are like “Standout Startup Category”, “Most Innovative”, “Standout Indie”, “Best Use of Material Design”, “Best Family App”, “Go Global”, “Best Use of Google Play Game Services” and “Early Adopter”.