Expand your Desktop Fabbing Beyond 3D Printing with ‘Mayku’ - Property Find

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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Expand your Desktop Fabbing Beyond 3D Printing with ‘Mayku’

Have you ever imagined of scanning a Banana and getting a 3D image out of it, it sounds stupid initially? However, there’s a device available in the market which can take a 3D image of anything but in a small desktop size.

Picture Courtesy: 3dprintingindustry.com

Mayku, additive manufacturing is the beginning of the industrial revolution, even 3D printing pioneers like Hod Lipson have admitted that. While Lipson’s lab is exploring assembly machines, others are searching to bring other forms of fabrication to the desktop. Laser cutters, CNC mills, and PCB makers go a long way to expand the range of tools available to Makers, but it’s not the only technology to create a complete desktop factory. A revolutionary startup called ‘Mayku’ seeks to bring more tools to Makers and will be revealing desktop manufacturing machines, soon.

You can check two machines which are already created by Mayku, the RotoBox and the FormBox.  Before talking further on this, please check-out the below video from Formbox to have a better understanding.

As you saw in the video, Formbox can create 3D copy on a molding sheet of anything you want. This machine can be used for creating 3D shapes from solid materials and is capable of making hollow objects. Just slip a 3D object on the FormBox, and you can get a replicated shape on a molding sheet of what looks like plastic. Attach this plastic form to the RotoBox and you can start creating hollow replicas. You can use 3D printing to produce 3D shapes to kick off this entire process.

Picture Courtesy: microfabricator.com

Mayku is planning to produce simple and small versions of industrial machines: “circuit printers, injection molders and steel forgers.” Mayku is planing to launch a global network for desktop fabricating. You can make wonderful objects that you can decorate your home with!!!

Picture Courtesy: thenextweb.com

Rather than shipping objects from distant places and depending on exploited labor and increasing pollution, it might be possible to produce it locally, even at home. Looking at the progress which 3D Hubs has made with its network, we would love to see Mayku grow at a quick rate.