Amazon Suing Own Sellers For Fake Reviews - Property Find - A leading blog site in UAE for the latest news, information and event updates. We are also one of the best property search portal in Dubai, UAE.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Amazon Suing Own Sellers For Fake Reviews

In recent news from Amazon for the entire seller who buys fake reviews about their products, so sellers beware! The company might sue you.

As part of its battle to combat fake reviews on Amazon platform, Amazon sued 3 of its sellers today for using sock puppet accounts to post false reviews about their products. Amazon has been aggressively tracking reviewers it does not consider true over the last year, often using actions to discourage the buying and selling of reviews, but this is the 1st time it has sued the sellers themselves.

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Today’s suits are opposite sellers who Amazon claims used fake accounts to give positive reviews on their individual products. The fake reviews spanned from 30 to 45 % of the sellers’ whole reviews and the offenders are Michael Abbara of California, a Chinese company called CCBetter Direct and Kurt Bauer of Pennsylvania.

Amazon is asking for the defendants to be prevented from selling goods on any of its sites or obtaining its services. The suits also ask for the profits the sellers made on Amazon, attorneys’ charges, and damages exceeding 25,000$. Amazon is demanding compromise of the cases, which means they are likely to proceed faster than if Amazon were to go to the government, and will not play out in the public knowledge.

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According to Amazon, since early 2015, it has sued over thousand people who posted fake reviews for money. Now, the company is going after the retailers themselves. Amazon said that it plans to exclude incentives for sellers to buy false reviews for their goods.

Amazon cracks down on false reviews with another lawsuit. Amazon Files Suit against Individuals giving Fake Product Reviews on

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Amazon applies a number of techniques to fight fake reviews, including eliminating sellers and closing down their accounts. The online retailer is also managing to develop algorithms to identify fake reviews and prevent them from appearing at all. From all that efforts by Amazon, from the Last summer, it started listing trusted reviews so that customers would see those first.

Between the lawsuits and algorithms, Amazon says it is having a victory against fake reviews. According to Amazon’s spokesperson “The huge majority of reviews on Amazon are genuine, helping millions of customers make knowledgeable buying decisions every day.