New Antibiotic – Inside The Human Nose, And It Can Treat Drug-Resistant Bacteria - Property Find - A leading blog site in UAE for the latest news, information and event updates. We are also one of the best property search portal in Dubai, UAE.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

New Antibiotic – Inside The Human Nose, And It Can Treat Drug-Resistant Bacteria

In coming years more will die of resistance to antibiotics than cancer but nosey scientists’ results could help stem that tide.

The human nose is not the first place you would think of for seeking lifesaving medications. Scientists have discovered an antibiotic which could knock superbugs in an unlikely place and that is surprisingly the human nose.

The important find is a major medicinal breakthrough, as the last new class of antibiotics which has been used on sufferers was found in the 1980s.

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Antibiotic protection is a growing problem for physicians. But now scientists have issued research showing that the drug resulting from their analysis, lugdunin, has been able to cure superbug germs on the skin including MRSA, as well as Enterococcus infections.

In Germany, The analysis team at the University of Tübingen, has published its findings in the journal Nature. Superbugs could kill 10million a year if antibiotics stop fighting. As normally antibiotics are sourced from external locations so looking to the human body was a new step for the team.

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The chemical formation of antibiotic Lugdunin with report authors Alexander Zipperer and Martin Christoph Konnerth. According to Professor Andreas Peschel, ‘Normally antibiotics are created only by soil bacteria and fungi. The idea that human microflora may also be a cause of antimicrobial agents is a new discovery.’

Infections generated by antibiotic-resistant bacteria like MRSA, it’s known as Staphylococcus  aureus, are among the big causes of death worldwide.

The scientists began their analysis as they found that the natural environment of dangerous Staphylococcus  bacteria is the human nasal cavity, but it only happens in 30% of people.

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From the Interfaculty Institute of Microbiology and Infection Medicine Tübingen (IMIT), Dr. Bernhard Krismer, Alexander Zipperer, and Professor Andreas Peschel observed that in their experiments, Staphylococcus aureusis was seldom found when Staphylococcus lugdunensis was present in the nose.

Humans facing ‘antibiotic apocalypse’ where ‘superbugs could clean out humanity’. Dr. Krismer says of the warning of resistance to existing antibiotics: ‘There are calculations which submit that more people will die from resistant bacteria in the coming years than cancer.

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The incorrect use of antibiotics increases this alarming development. Many of the illness-causing pathogens are exist on the skin and mucous membranes, so they cannot be avoided. There is a particular danger for patients with serious underlying illnesses and reduced immune systems.

The new findings open up new ways to generate sustainable strategies for infection prevention and to find new antibiotics.