The busy, high-density metropolitan environments of cities are usually fertile ground for innovative, active markets, but the growing reach of broadband Internet access into provincial areas of the United States has helped unleash previously untapped roots of creative destruction and financial growth, discusses a recent study from Hudson Institute, an Atlas Network partner based in Washington, D.C. according to the report, ‘ Rural broadband companies contributed 24.1 billion dollars to the economies of the states in which they performed in 2015, ‘ the study points out, also maintaining 69,595 jobs and 100 billion dollars in e-commerce.
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Study author Hanns Kuttner, the senior fellow with Hudson Institute, said, ‘ The small and sometimes micro companies that give telecom in parts of provincial America show creative destruction at work. Their former model, based on cross-subsidies to provide dial tone telephone assistance, is crumbling. A new model is developing that includes giving Internet access and content. Consumers appreciate these things more, and the result is growth.’
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Broadband Internet access modifies the type of interactions that are possible with the rest of the world, with an infrastructure that helps widespread telecommuting, telehealth consulting, teleconferencing, retail transactions, and more. The Economic project creates value by allowing information and sources to flow to more productive uses and correlating the underutilized human and material resources of provincial America with the larger economy facilitates new dynamic economic opportunities.
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Jessica Golden, executive director of the Foundation for Rural Service, in a Hudson Institute press release, said,’ The record findings are further data that spending in rural broadband has far-reaching results for both urban and provincial America, forming efficiencies in healthcare, agriculture, education, energy, and commerce, and enhancing state of life of civilians across the country, The progress and viability of our rural American communities are not just a rural concern but a national imperative.’
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